Jun 18, 2020
La implementación de protocolos para la prevención y manejo del COVID-19 ha repercutido en la gobernanza de las OSFL. Ángela Díaz, Directora Ejecutiva del Consejo Renal de Puerto Rico dialoga sobre su experiencia y recomendaciones para ejercer los protocolos sin comprometer la calidad en el servicio a pacientes con condiciones crónicas. Conecta con ella a través de adiaz@consejorenal.org.
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COVID-19 Protocols for NPOs - The implementation of protocols for the prevention and management of COVID-19 has had an impact on the governance of NPOs. Ángela Díaz, Executive Director of the Puerto Rico Renal Council shares her experience and recommendations in executing protocols that do not compromise quality of care for patients with chronic conditions. Connect with her through adiaz@consejorenal.org.
Connect with us, the only podcast where social innovation is the key to managing with greater agility!
This podcast is produced by The ChangeMaker Foundation.
Follow The ChangeMaker Foundation at: Facebook, LinkedIn, The ChangeMaker Foundation