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Oct 16, 2020

El tema de la vivienda resiliente, urbanismo y comunidad son aspectos críticos en nuestra sociedad que merecen atención urgente. En especial, la integración de la comunidad al proceso de identificación de necesidades y planificación responsable. Es un ejercicio inclusivo que adviene al bienestar colectivo. La arquitecta Yanel de Ángel, principal oficial de la firma Perkins & Will y líder de la iniciativa Resilient SEE nos comparte su experiencia y peritaje para pivotar hacia los procesos inclusivos a través de la educación comunitaria. Conecta con ella a través de

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Este podcast es producido por The ChangeMaker Foundation.

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Urbanism and Inclusion - The issue of resilient housing, urbanism and community are critical aspects of society deserving urgent attention. The integration of the community in identifying needs and conducting responsible planning is particularly important. It is an exercise in inclusion that contributes to the collective well-being. The architect Yanel de Ángel, principal officer of the firm Perkins & Will and leader of the Resilient SEE initiative, shares her experience and expertise with us to pivot towards inclusive processes through community education. Connect with her at

Connect with us, the only podcast where social innovation is the key to managing with greater agility!

This podcast is produced by The ChangeMaker Foundation.

Follow The ChangeMaker Foundation at:  Facebook, LinkedIn, The ChangeMaker Foundation