Oct 22, 2021
Hay varias formas de atesorar el patrimonio cultural y uno de ellos es educando a través de los recorridos arquitectónicos. Andy Rivera, arquitecto y fundador de Puerto Rico Historic Building Drawings Society nos presenta su experiencia a través de los recorridos por el Viejo San Juan. Descubrimos la sinergia entre la historia, la arquitectura y la fotografía como elementos educativos que aportan a la gesta cultural puertorriqueña. Conecta con él a través de andy.facebook.email@gmail.com.
Architectural Tours in Old San Juan
There are several ways to treasure cultural heritage; one of them
is educating through architectural tours. Andy Rivera, architect
and founder of Puerto Rico Historic Building Drawings
Society, presents his experience through his various tours
of Old San Juan. We uncover the synergy between history,
architecture, and photography as educational elements that
contribute to the Puerto Rican cultural venture. Connect with him
through andy.facebook.email@gmail.com