Dec 28, 2020
¡Conecta con el único podcast donde la innovación es la clave para gerenciar con agilidad!
Este podcast es producido por The ChangeMaker Foundation.
Sigue a The ChangeMaker Foundation en: Facebook, LinkedIn, The ChangeMaker Foundation
Pivoting with data in Nonprofits (Solo Cast / Bonus Episode) - Having quantifiable data on nonprofit performance is a critical issue. In this episode we propose designing a best practice barometer for strategic decision-making that promotes a robust sector that demonstrates social impact with reliable metrics. Mariely Rivera-Hernández addresses the problem and proposes solutions to strengthen the nonprofit ecosystem. Connect with her at
Connect with us, the only podcast where social innovation is the key to managing with greater agility!
This podcast is produced by The ChangeMaker Foundation.
Follow The ChangeMaker Foundation at: Facebook, LinkedIn, The ChangeMaker Foundation