Nov 27, 2020
La equidad y la inequidad se enmarcan en la construcción del género y recibe un impacto directo por parte de los prejuicios ideológicos. La comunidad de líderes LGTBIQ+ ha trabajado incansablemente por educar a la sociedad sobre sus derechos. La inclusión y la diversidad no se limitan a ocupar espacios y darla a conocer, abarca una perspectiva de derechos humanos que nutren el bienestar colectivo. Liza Gallardo Martí, directora ejecutiva de Amnistía Internacional - Capítulo de Puerto Rico, nos comparte planteamientos imprescindibles para entender esta importante temática. Conecta con ella a través de y
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Entrepreneurship in the LGBTQ+ community - Equity and inequity are framed in the construction of gender and are impacted directly by ideological prejudices. The LGBTQ+ community of leaders has worked tirelessly to educate society about their rights. Inclusion and diversity are not limited to occupying spaces and making it known, it encompasses a human rights perspective that nurtures collective well-being. Liza Gallardo Martí, executive director of Amnesty International - Puerto Rico chapter, shares essential ideas for understanding this important issue. You can connect with her through or
Connect with us, the only podcast where social innovation is the key to managing with greater agility!
This podcast is produced by The ChangeMaker Foundation.
Follow The ChangeMaker Foundation at: Facebook, LinkedIn, The ChangeMaker Foundation