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Oct 22, 2020

El distanciamiento físico por la pandemia del COVID-19 ha obligado que los estudiantes estén en los hogares y reciban educación virtual. La investigación realizada por la periodista Adriana Díaz Tirado -Abuelos que crían ahora, también son maestros- revela la realidad de su actual cotidianidad. Muchos de ellos y ellas asumiendo un reto de educadores para apoyar a sus hijos trabajadores y, en otros casos, recrudeciendo su responsabilidad porque tienen nietos a su cargo bajo patria potestad. Conecta con ella a través de y acceda su investigación en 

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Este podcast es producido por The ChangeMaker Foundation.

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Distance Education: Challenges for Grandparents - Physical distancing due to the Covid-19 pandemic has forced students to stay at home for virtual education. The investigation carried out by the journalist Adriana Díaz Tirado - Grandparents raising and teaching - reveals the reality of their current daily life. Many of them have assumed the challenge as educators to support their working children and, in other cases, their responsibilities have intensified because they have parental authority over their grandchildren. Connect with her through and accesses her research in 

Connect with us, the only podcast where social innovation is the key to managing with greater agility!

This podcast is produced by The ChangeMaker Foundation.

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