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Jul 2, 2021

Explorar las dimensiones del racismo y afirmación de la negritud desde la perspectiva de la educación es vital para integrarlos a una agenda nacional y universal. La Dra. Mariluz Franco Ortiz, psicóloga social comunitaria dialoga sobre este importante tema, la investigación en acción a través del crisol comunitario, las mujeres y la educación. Conecta con ella a través de

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Este podcast es producido por The ChangeMaker Foundation.

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Afro-descendants and Education- Exploring the dimensions of racism and affirmation of blackness from the perspective of education is vital to integrating them into a national and universal agenda. The Dr. Mariluz Franco Ortiz, a community social psychologist, discusses this important issue, research in action through the community melting pot, women and education. Connect with her through

This podcast is produced by The ChangeMaker Foundation.

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